Your Account

Welcome to our Accounts and Collaborations FAQ! In this section, we provide answers to your questions about creating and managing accounts with StickerApp, as well as insights into our approach to collaborations.

Whether you're considering the benefits of having an account, wondering about account-related matters like password recovery, or exploring collaboration opportunities, you'll find the information you need here.

We're committed to making your experience with StickerApp as smooth and tailored to your needs as possible. So, let's dive in and discover how accounts can enhance your sticker ordering process, and explore the possibilities of creative collaborations with us.

At StickerApp, we believe in treating all our customers equally. Therefore, we do not offer exclusive discounts or a reseller program specifically for frequent buyers. We value every customer, whether they are returning or new.
Forgetting your password is not a problem. To reset it, simply click on the account icon located in the top right-hand corner of the page and select the "reset password" option. Follow the straightforward instructions provided to reset your password and regain access to your account.
Creating an account brings several benefits to enhance your sticker ordering experience. With an account, you can effortlessly manage your orders, enjoy faster checkouts, and easily reorder. Your account provides a comprehensive overview of your past orders, allowing you to conveniently track which stickers you have previously ordered. Additionally, reordering past designs becomes a breeze. Furthermore, your shipping and billing information will be securely saved, eliminating the need to enter it manually each time you make a purchase.
We value creativity and unique ideas at StickerApp. Our collaborations are tailored to each customer, ensuring that each partnership is special and specific to your needs. If you have a collaboration idea in mind, we encourage you to share it with us via email. Even if you don't have a specific idea but still want to collaborate, feel free to reach out to us. We're open to exploring potential collaborations and will evaluate your proposal to determine if it aligns with our interests.