What sticker size is best for my design?

The ideal size depends on the complexity of your design and its intended use. Our size guide will help you choose!

Size matters

We often get asked what size works best for custom stickers. Sometimes, customers order a size that doesn't meet their expectations. Since all stickers in our editor appear the same size on your screen, it can be hard to imagine their actual size in real life. While we can’t predict your exact needs, this guide will help you find the perfect size for your custom stickers.

Standard sticker sizes

Our website offers standard sizes to help if you're unsure about the perfect size for your custom stickers. These range from 2,5cm x 2,5 cm. Remember, you can always choose a custom size, either at the beginning or later in the editor. The right size depends on your needs, so consider where the stickers will be placed and how much space you want them to take up. The level of detail and how far away they need to be visible from are also important factors to think about.

Size and materials